Thursday, March 15, 2012

A la mujer generosa!

Para recuperar fuerzas pronto después un resfrío o algo:
  • Una lechería (por ejemplo yoghurt) para las proteínas.
  • Algo con azúcar para la energía.
  • Y algo de frutería, por ejemplo agrios para la vitamina C.

Teniendo un resfrío, es lo que compré por el dinero, muchas gracias, y tomé un café también!/HGL

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Explanations of a Practical Nature

Here I would like to add a few explanations about how Susan Pevensie lived the rest of the year and part of the following.

The advertisement bureau where she was a secretary was a bit too boisterous for her during grief. She took a fond farewell of all the colleagues and of course of recently married Bobby Bevan.

She took up residence in Heathington, in a room in an attic, and took work as a secretary for one Warren Hamilton Lewis, who was doing research for a book about France under Louis XIV - it was later published in several editions as The Splendid Century - when he had time to spare. He was also a secretary in his turn to his brother, one Clive Staples. Guess how intrigued she was when she found out that ... yes, W. H. looked quite similar to the man who had rescued her after her boat trip on the Thames, and his brother WAS that man. Only, he had called himself Jack when he had invited her for tea.

She stayed for a few months. Meanwhile, she took up French again, she had been better at it than history or maths at least. But this time she had to come to grips with the spelling.

"Why do you spell it so differently, when after zhuh or tew or ill or ell all you say is emm? Only in emmawn and emmay there is a real variation, after noo and voo?"

Warnie - she called him Warnie too, and his brother Jack, once they were clear about the fact she had been that rescued guest too - was away, so it was Jack who answered.

"Well, I guess it might be because it was not always that way it was spoken. Ever wondered if English spelling was once exactly as now, but quite simple to those pronouncing it then?"

"Well, now you mention it, it is a bit complicated."

"In the French case, it was not always zhemm, tü-emm (he corrected her pronunciation with a real French u), ilemm, elemm, noozemaw~ (he corrected her nasal vowel), voozemé (-ez without a diphthong) and ilzemm, elzemm.

"Once it was more like zhoh Emma, tu Emma's, il Emma, ell Emma, noo z'Amawn, voo z'Ametts, il z'Emmunt, el z'Emmunt."

She missed Edmund as she heard the older pronunciation of "aiment".

"And Italian still has eeaw ahmo, too ahmee, il ahmah, ley ahma, noy ummiahno, voy ummiahteh, lawroh ahmunaw.

"And Latin had egg-oe ummoe, too ummahs, illey ummut and so on. Though like Spanish they tend to omit the pronoun, as itv really makes double service along with the ending"

Which is why she started getting better than French and Latin than she had been in school days, and also how she came to learn a smattering of Italian. Little did she know that a few months later she would be using it. Precisely where the Narnia gang had been heading, when getting smashed in the train.

A few months later, still wearing black for a while, she got a job as a replacement sports teacher. Arrows, swimming, scouting, nutrition, how much sleep you need at any age ... all that was not academic (and she was not the best help Warnie had had, what a pity Peter could not have helped him, he would have been so much more useful, or Lucy too for that matter, had they but known) but of practical everyday value, and cooking and knitting too, household level or girl guide hiking level, there was precisely her mastery.

She did have to pass a few exams, but the Kilns was where she spent some weekends to prepare, and it was as scholarly a place as you can find in all Oxford.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Car Ride to Sevenoaks was a Flashback

Susan opened the letter from Europe. It included a beautiful snapshot of some Italian town she had seen in a National Geographic of some Readers' Digest. "Narni". It included a longish letter from Edmund, about Eustace obviously, which she saved for later. It included a picture and a poem by Eustace.

The picture was people in ugly wide white shirts without buttoning, some of them shrieking, some looked like drunk, some ... Bedlam, according to description. Though Eustace had added -ia to it.

"What's the point about that?"

She read the poem, it was a limerick, though it did not quite rhyme.

Some children played games about Narnia,
Got gradually balmier and balmier.
Pete, Su, Ed and Lu,
How little they knew,
They would soon play their games in Bedlamia

"How horrible! What a pest!"

Later she had made research, on a very amateur level, about madness. And about why people got to be labelled as mad.

And she had decided that whatever madness they had been getting into would not get her into Bedlamia, nor Lucy if she could stop it.

And just last year she could still feel the sting of reproach in Lucy's eyes, after, arranging a meeting with a therapist, she had caused her to spend a week in ... Tavistock Institute.

She was too ashamed to cry about it during the journey.

And it was just a month after Lucy had painted the name Mary on the little boat of hers, the one that saved her from the rapist wannabee, the one she had called "Splendour Hyaline".

What would happen now?

Well, one thing was for sure, therapy would end. If she had been right to listen to the therapist saying it was a very lively imagination taking place through mutual support, or wrong, at least she had been wrong to do as he had told her.

She looked out of the window for the rest of the road to Sevenoaks.

Wonder what happened to Eustace? She had lost contact with him, though he had become so much nicer to the others, after she had tried to thank him for the warning.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Carlismo de izquierda comunismo o no?

1) La Marcha de los indignados, 2) Carlismo de izquierda comunismo o no?, 3) Uno como otro no es malo como solución en algunos casos ..., 4) Respuesta de un Carlista sobre Propriedad Privada y Montejurra '76, 5) Despenalizar las relaciones sexuales entre adolescentes?, 6) Enfrente a un defensor de maraconías ..., 7) Cual fue la ley anterior a 1929?, 8) Quienes fueron los enemigos de los gitanos?, 9) Cuando Matteotti fue matado, Mussolini a condenado a los asesinos ...., 10) Mercado, estudios y otras cosas (entre carlistas en FB), 11) La tradición carlista como yo - un sueco - la conozco y honro., 12) A transmeter a Esteban Morillo, 13) Hé leido que el video le inocenta!, 14) Contra el Maniqueismo

"Traición [del ejercito negro=socialista auogestionario]

En noviembre los anarquistas entran en Crimea y acaban con el ejército zarista. Poco después, el gobierno bolchevique, invitó a los oficiales del ejército makhnovista en Crimea a participar en un consejo militar. Tan pronto como llegaron a la cita, fueron detenidos por la Cheka (policía política) y fusilados. Al mismo tiempo se lanzó una ofensiva a fondo contra Guliai-Polié. La guerrilla libertaria, diezmada por la guerra contra los blancos, apenas disponía de 3000 combatientes que deberían enfrentarse a los 150.000 del Ejército Rojo. Todos los grupos van siendo aniquilados. En el verano del 21, un grupo de 100 jinetes (30 de ellos heridos, entre ellos Makhno) consigue cruzar el río Dniester, pasando a Rumania. Definitivamente aniquilada la guerrilla, los bolcheviques dedican los meses siguientes a la “limpieza total” (fusilamientos y deportaciones) de Ucrania. En los años posteriores extirpan el recuerdo de lo que representó la makhnovschina y el movimiento anarquista en Ucrania."

Wiki de la Revolución Majnovista

Conclución: Nestor Majno, el socialista augestionario ucraniano era tanto inocente del bolchevismo que Dollfuss del Hitlerismo. Sinembargo, la expropriación fue ordinariamente cosa injusta hasta los terratenientes:

"Esta zona liberada de gobiernos centrales se denominó Territorio Libre, donde la tierra y las fábricas fueron expropiadas a terratenientes e industriales y los trabajadores practicaron la autogestión."

Wiki sobre Socialismo Autogestionario, sección "Antecedentes"

Este wiki cita también la primavera de Praga y lo de Budapest en 1956 como ejemplos, sin dudo justos enfrente al socialismo no de todos autogestionario.

Como la presa de tierra de los Palestinios, mismo tras comprar la tierra de terratenientes ausentes, fue antecedente injusto a los kibbutzes. Ya que, antes de vender sus tierras a los israelís, los terratenientes no tuvieron el derecho de prender la tierra expulsando los inhabitantes de pueblos enteros. Hubiese sido contrario al derecho politico de cda pueblo Palestinio, más sagrado que la propriedad privada, de un momento dado no más exigir que los habitantes diesen alquilar, peró que se expulsan para dar lugar a otros habitantes. Evidamente, no quiere decir que a un alquilador individual el prooprietario no puda exigir la expulsión, el derecho de habitación siendo como él de propriedad un derecho individual. Y un derecho que no tuvieron los terratenientes, no pudieron vender. Entonces, por kibbutzes como por Majnovia hubo el problema de la expropriación o de expulsión del propriedario o del habitante anterior.

El mismo articulo Socialismo Autogestionario da enlace hasta un articulo del mismo Carlos Hugo:

¿Socialdemocracia o socialismo autogestionario?
Carlos Hugo de Borbon Parma 30 MAY 1978

Lo que dice de la socialdemocracia nordica es cierto. Es un modelo muy de paternalismo burocratico, y mismo de sovietismo en ciertos sectores (como psiquiatria, quién está fuerte y funcciona como campo de reeducación).

Lo que dice de "todos fuentes del socialismo" no embarga que Marx pueda ser leido con tal eclectismo (otramente sería excluido Bakunin, quién contradice Marx en ciertas cosas) que no sepa contradecir a la condena del communismo ateo por Papa Pio XI. Otramente habría faller decir que José Antonio también fue apostata tras citar Marx cuando decía de él que "fue un judía talentado quién vio el problema del capitalismo peró no la solución". Citado de memoria, y por la traducción alemana.

Vengo de decir que el malo, ordinariamente, de tal o tal socialismo autogestionario concreto reside en la expropriación non compensada de los terratenientes. En el caso de Christiania en Copenhaga, eso no es el caso, ya que el proprietario anterior, el ejército danés, ya renunció al terreno, hay décadas.

Si alguién supiera dar enlace a otro articulo de Carlos Hugo, donde se exprime con más malicia doctrinal, quizás prendré mis distancias de él. Peró lo que hé visto no mi basta para considerarle como boljevica. Y tampoco como apostata. Hay cosas en Gaudium et Spes quienes me parecen incompatibles con la fé católica (como va el llamado Pedro II de Palmar?), peró de eso a considerar a un católico apostata sencillamente ya que ensaye aplicar eso que él cree católico, no. No antes de caer en injusticia abierta. Por el momento, los derechos de Carlos Javier me parecen aún mejores que los de Sixto Enrique.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Biblioteca Audoux, París