Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Al essorcista Dom Gabriele Amorth

O letto la sua intervista per un giornale ollandese.

La prima cosa che fa è diriger gli sui casi ai psichiatro. Avanti da costatare si c'è una maledizzione, il dottore dove costatare si c'è una maladia.

Mai questo è erroneo: il diavolo puo molto bene nelle maledizioni imitare una maladia psichiatrica, sopratutto si la maladia in se non è una maladia, mai una maledizzione mal interpretata per una pseudoscienza. Lo che fa suppone anche che nunca il dottore possa ricorre ai maledizzioni per avere pazienti. Non è realistico.*

Non so si la Susana Maiolo è possessa o non, non so si è vittima lei di una maledizzione o non, mai sono molto sicuro che al momento delle fatte le due notti di Natale aveva su ragione e la sua voluntà intatte, che faceva lo che faceva per essere giudicata per la chiesa, como in Spagna ante 1820 i oppressi blasfemmiavano per essere giudicati per il Santo Ufficio, riputato meno corrutto che la corte seculare. Dopo, facevano una pelegrinazione a Santiago per far sattiosafazione per la blasfemmia. Allora, sono anche molto sicuro che si siente vittima della oppressione e che l'oppressore in occurenza è precisamente il psichiatro.

Il sacrilegio commisso per la Maiolo è ligero, non contro la Ostia, nè contro il celebrante ai momenti più sacrati, mai contro il celebrante a un momento di meno importanza liturgica. Como i spagnoli che volevano essere giudicati per il Santo Ufficio non commettevano sacrilegio mai solo la blasfemmia - credo normalmente da dicere "Ostia", gia che oggi è un "juron" molto usitato in Spagna.

Ch'il buon Dio benedica su lavoro correttamente fatto como essorcista e ch'il lei da la luce di non essere "trompato" per i psichiatri, como mi sembra molto risichiato oggi, secondo le sue parole nel giornale ollandese.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Parigi, "Mairie" del III
Santa Margarita da Scozia

*Per esempio: dicere cose ai nemici assenti è una nevrose, cio è un bisogno scomfortabile, che puo molto semplicamente essere un frutto di una maledizzione. Dai psichiatri questa abitudine è "non nunquam immo non raro" interpretata como "alluzinazione auditiva" e sintoma della si chiamata "schizofrenia". Scusa per mi malo italiano, mai ho poco studiato il italiano per se, molto più il latino ed il francese.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beaubourg, près d'un collège, 2050, si le monde durera?

- Le garçon demandait: est on lesbigay ou homophobe dans ta famille?

- La fille: ah, plutôt lesbigay.

- Alors, t'es adopté par un couple de lesbiennes ou par un couple gay?

Rigolades. C'était des décennies depuis que ça c'étais l'agenda des lesbigays.

- Non. L'adoption est reservée pour des vieux célibataires ou des couples dont la femme a dépassé 45 sans avoir enfants. Une vieille fille peut adopter dès 35.

Le ton avec lequel elle faisait ces précisions légales était un peu sec.

- Quoi alors?

- Mes papis étaient en couple avant de marier mes mamies. Mes mamies aussi.

- Et tes papis, ils se voient encore en privé?

Bouh général! On savait que des choses comme ça arrivaient des temps en temps, mais la sodomie se soldait déjà avec des années de prison. Comme la contraception, sauf en cas de premier accouchement très difficile d'un couple (tarder les mariages était aussi découragé). Les apothicaires qui donnaient les capotes étaient obligés de demander une ordonnance. Seuls les non-cathos s'occupaient de ces ordonnances. C'est à dire des non-citoyens.

- Non, c'est interdit ça aussi, tu sais. Et dans ta famille, on est homophobe?

Rigolade. Homophobe comme un militaire et séminariste, c'est à dire quelqu'un qui recherche raisons de soupçonner la sodomie là où elle ne se trouve pas.

- Oui. On est militaires.

Soulagement général. Tout ce qui relève de caserne, on a des raisons assez solides d'être un peu plus méfiants que tous les autres ...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Conversations in a Scottish Krak

Here is the story, set in 14th C.

I · II · III · IV · V · VI

Want a modern debate on partly same subjects?

Our Lady of the Rosary to today, debate between a geocentric thomist and some heliocentrics · Five more days with same, concluded on St Luke

I - The castle was built a century ago. Back when there were Templars and the Pope was still in Rome in the years of Grace 1275 and 1276.*

The laird had played a significant part in conquering Isle of Man, was rewarded and could at last afford to build it. It was not as big as a krak in Palestine, but it was similar in architecture. His son married in obedience to a law made by the Scottish Parliament in 1288, a woman who proposed to him. Her father was a Swedish miner who had sold his share in Stora Kopparberg to the bishopric of Westeros in June. Thirty years later HIS son aids retaking Berwick upon Tweed from the English. Nearly forty years later HIS son (greatgrandson of the laird) aids in paying ransom for David II, 1357. He was still laird, and not weak for his age of seventy.

Lady Cougherleigh came back as a widow after the funeral of Duke Rudolf IV of Austria. She descended from a cousin of the first laird of the shire to have a castle, and the family had been impoverished since. Her daughter, Elsa, was only two, now she was 14. A bit fat, which explained why she was not yet married or even with a fiancé. She was always sitting in the alcoves and looking out of the arrow slits while occupied with embroidery. Knitting? Not known in Scotland back then!

Somewhat older, the son of a rebec fiddler. Ian Mac Kinnyough was already 25. Fiddling with rebecs was not a great income.

* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Château_Pèlerin fut bâtie en deux ans, 1217 et 1218/was built in two years (c Fr version)

II - Ian sat down opposite Elsa in the alcove.

"When I left, I did not know you."

"I was as yet a child, only eleven years old"

"That was some time ago" he said with appreciation.

"Where have you been since then?"

"I have been to study the rebec and even Moorish music in Spain and France mainly, a little too in the Empire, but I do not speak either High Dutch or Low Dutch, only where the speak French and Aostan."

"Where did you like it? What was like here?"

"Two different questions, I think."

"So you do not like it here?"

"I do, but I like places that are very different too."

"Take like here first ... any castle like this?"

"The Montilium of Adhemar, close by the Rhone river, one of the largest in Europe and in the known World."

"And what did they eat there? Any sweets we do not know here?" (She would ask about sweets, plump as she was).

"Right over there, they mix honey with nuts and fry it in a pan, when it cools down it is white. They call it nogat in that area."

"Which means?"

"Have you learned Latin?"


"Mel nucatum."

III - "And Montilium is hillock, but what does Adhemar mean?"

"It is a name, of German origin, but I am not sure they could translate it now in the Germanic parts of the Empire."

"Why not now?"

"Languages change. There was a time when they spoke Latin as you have learned it in France. Then came the Franks and learned that Latin when they settled. They brought the name Adhemar along back then. Since then Latin speech changed to French, and to Lemousin, as we learn for court. And I am sure the High Dutch of our days is not the Frankish that could translate Adhemar, not really same."

Elsa was quiet ... then she said: "if it had been Edelmar, I would at least tell that Edel means noble."

"Ah, you know High Dutch?"

"I was born in Vienna, when my father served at the court of Archduke Rudolf."

As they were quiet, they did not mind at first, then the prudishness of Ian made him take to talk again.

"The walls are thick. The stones are hewn. Hewing such stones takes time, and this alcove shows they are as thick as a man is tall. Yet this castle was built in two years."

"Oh, but they are not at all hewn stone all through!"

"How do you know?"

"The laird is my warden, and he knew quite a bit of masonry. Once his grandfather helped a mason, who was indebted and who had to promise to give him the secrets of the buiolding trade. 'I cannot unless you become a mason' he said. Or so the laird claims. He became a mason, though he is never building anything. But he knew how to build and so does his grandson"

"And if it is not hewn stone, what is it then? Air?"

"No. Pebbles and stones. Just as in a hillock. Only the stone walls keep that from forming a hill of gravel."

"So we are sitting on gravel?"

"We are."

"But then the level must have been pre-determined?"

"How would you know? Are ou a mason too?"

"No. I am a fiddler, I also know a bit of theology and history. Both are important if you sing about what happened long ago concerning God and Church as often as mortal men."

"How then?"

"Well, in a line I determine the level of syllables before I put in the words."

IV - "How do you mean 'determine the level of syllables'?"

"I say to myself: here I will have seven, here I will have six, here I will have seven, here I will have six."

"And then?"

"Roses are blushing for you
you sweeter than a rose
Moses would call an idol
the image of your nose"

"Whom is that about?" she laughed.

"I made it up - but I was looking at your nose."

"Please don't!" she was chagrined. She went away.

They met again a few days later.

"Have you ceased idolising my nose?"

"I have not been trying very hard. I admit that."

"Let us talk about something else, shall we?"

"Like what?"

"The creator. As you saw from my nose, he knows good workmanship. But take other examples will you."

"Well, the stars."

"Yes," she said, and her eyes glistened like such, but he dared not tell, not this time.

"They are very distant. Even the earth is very great, and yet the closest, the moon, is seen from the north and from the south of it. The sun is even more distant, since it is sometimes hidden by the moon. And the constellations of stars are even more distant than the sun, horoscopes are made (for the superstitious) by seeing which constellation is hidden by the sun for a month and also which ones are hidden by the moon for some days or which ones appear at horizon in a certain hour."


"Even though as distant as all that, they all circle the earth every day. That means they go very very fast, much faster than an arrow. And they are very big also. And they never get into disorder. Who made that? God. Not only Christianity tells us so, but reason says such an order cannot be conceived without someone keeping it in order and such many and big burning bodies going so fast must have a mover."

"What about just moving on of its own accord?"

"We never see that. Particularly not in circular movement. A spinning top will spin around for some time - like saying a Pater or two - then slow down and fall as it stops turning."

"So God is amusing himself with the stars as a child with a spinning top?"

"Unless ye become as a child ye will not enter the kingdom of Heaven ... God cannot get bored, because He is infinite bliss. Children give us a foretaste of Him."

"So God likes children? I guess that is why they are so tender ... and why it is so ..." - and she stopped.

"Something about making them?"

"Yes." She blushed.

"Well, married people would know more about that ..."

V - Now some readers might think they are not going to keep chaste until marriage. They are. She was old enough to marry, back in those days. Even France had the limits 14 for men and 12 for girls (Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette had been of age for two years when marrying) up to the 1790's.

Both knew what they were talking about. Both knew they should not, as not yet married, either to another or to anyone else. Both knew changing the subject was a really bright idea. Or moralising it.

"They would" she said.

"And we know more than we should as not yet married, I think," said Ian.

"Ah, let's leave it for them to enjoy!"

"Let's. Stars are a better subject for our talk, I think."

"They are. In Paris, I met an old professor, a bishop, Nicole, and he was from Oresme. He said it would make sense too if it was not the heavens that turned but the earth. Only, since we cannot prove it, we should keep to what our eyes tell us."

"How would you prove a thing like that? It is impossible!"

"Right as it is, we are proving the opposite, since the stars beyond the Sun - most of them, I am not counting planets like Jove and Sattern, keep their places."

"You mean, if we saw them all turn around in the opposite direction, we would know it was we who were moving in the opposite direction, like in a boat when approaching land it seems trees and mountains all move to us?"


"But we don't. Or do we? After all I have not been gazing on stars?"

"We do not. Planets move around, but there are or we see only Moon, Venus, Mercur, Sun, Mars, Jove and Sattern, all other stars we see have their fixed places."

"And so do we then."

"So do we"

"But if they are that distant, even the sun and the moon are so distant we do not see them move, we only notice when they move beyond some object - if the stars are so much further, would we not be unable to see them move if they did?"

"There is a glass lense, when you put it between your eye and an object, it seems greater. If one day one does that for the stars ... But even so, in order to prove anything, the stars would need to be same distance from sun, and we moving around it each year."


"If we moved around the Sun each year, but the stars were very different distances - not counting the Planets, of which we know that - we would see the same thing as if the Earth stands still and most stars are still, but some move in time with the Sun."

"So, if we cannot tell the difference, either might be true. How do stars move anyway?"

"Philosophers say there are spirits guiding them. As Christians we believe in angels and that they, invisible but created, are between God and the seen creatures. Even St Dennys from the Areopagus said that much."

"Who was that?"

"Have you read acts of the Apostles?"

"No. Is it a book in the Holy Writ? I have only read Gospels."

"St Paul converted him."

"You mean that was after Pentecost and a few years later, when St Paul was on his voyages?"

"Ah, that much you know without reading it!"

"I do listen to what is preached by the curate."

VI - "Well, I suppose reading is not everything. As a fiddler I should know that, it is my work to make people hear and remember stories without them having to read. Some have not learned it, others have sore eyes ..."

"The laird is getting sore eyes. Since he did learn letters and enjoyed reading, that is hurtful to him."

... after a moment of silence ...

"You said there was a glass lentil with which you could see things as it were bigger than they are?"

"There are even Italians who will cure the lairds condition, not in itself, but in its effect, as a crutch might for the legs, by putting two glass lentils together."

"I did not know."

"Oh, the first one to do it was not quite a hundred years ago, and this place in Scotland is not quite a Sorbonna."


Then she added: "did you have as pretty a cousin as me serving you a meal back there?"

"No. Are you serving me a meal?"

"Let's go a few alcoves further and see if the basket is still there."

It was, but Ian had detected the wonderful smell of cheese and smoked sausages before they reached it.

A meal prayer (said somewhat hastily, he would have to admit) and some bites further on, he said: "no, I did not that. There were only men allowed on Sorbonna, as on other academies."

"Glad to be home or sad to have left Sorbonna?"

"Oh, glad to have been there and glad to be home. Very much so."

A little further on he said: "your rye bread is better than they have in Paris - they would do well to stick to wheat bread, though it is more expensive."

"Was their rye bread as bad as all that? Eating wheat bread every day must be expensive!"

"I was joking. Their rye bread was fair enough, but yours is better."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Varela y Aquino

Antonio María Rouco Varela, St Thomas Aquinas
ha afirmado que espera que la Ley de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva e Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo sea declarada "inconstitucional en algunos aspectos", aunque manifestó que los gobernantes que no lo apliquen tendrán que dimitir porque "no están por encima de la ley".

"Un gobernante tiene que aplicar la ley y si no lo hace tendrá que renunciar a su cargo", ha dicho en referencia a las reticencias iniciales de algunos presidentes autonómicos respecto a la aplicación de la norma.

"El marco general es ése, pero después hay que aplicarlo a situaciones concretas porque un gobernante tiene la obligación de cumplir la ley, no está por encima de la ley", ha indicado, para añadir que "otra cosa es qué hace con su conciencia ante una ley que es injusta", algo que, a su juicio, "es un problema que habría que ver en cada caso".
I answer that, As Augustine says (De Lib. Arb. i, 5) "that which is not just seems to be no law at all": wherefore the force of a law depends on the extent of its justice. Now in human affairs a thing is said to be just, from being right, according to the rule of reason. But the first rule of reason is the law of nature, as is clear from what has been stated above (91, 2, ad 2). Consequently every human law has just so much of the nature of law, as it is derived from the law of nature. But if in any point it deflects from the law of nature, it is no longer a law but a perversion of law. I-II, Q.95, A.2, Corp.
fuente source

Friday, July 23, 2010

The railroad worker ... and his descendants

The railroad worker may be great
Yet think his hammer is dumb
  And the rails will wait
  As he rales at fate
When the hammer struck his thumb!

He may be Christian and devout
And kiss the Holy Rood
  Yet the rails will wait
  As he rales at fate
If the cook has burnt the food.

He may be a dancer, gallantly
Turn ladies, kiss them soon
  Yet the rails will wait
  As he rales at fate
If the fiddler is out of tune.

His descendants may be bloggers bold,
Love all things internet
  Yet the mails will wait
  As they rale at fate
If connexion is upset!

On Rail Putters and Preacher Men

There are reasons to rale · for a rail putter:
the hard weather · harsh hours of work;
the bad wages · that await him therefore;
the absent kin · for which whores soothe him
- or to pray and hear · preachers lauding
the Lord's love for us · the lasting bliss.

There are reasons to pray · for preaching men:
the hard hearted · harming others;
the unfaithful · eating and drinking
who hope to hold · happiness carnal,
who heavenly hopes · hold no longer;
the best gone bad · and bitter of heart:
or reasons to rale · as a rail putter.

But a rail putter · who rales no more,
getting back to kin · bettering his mood,
getting back to God · bettering his ways
is a joy for the heart · of heaven's fishermen.
These are reasons to pray · not to rale, preacher!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Citemus votum +Antonii de Castro-Mayer, Episcopi Camposini

Errores ...
Ingens conatus generis humani ad unitatem redigendi.
Minus malum ; thesis, hypothesis.
Adaptatio, cooperatio.
Educatio speciatim educatio et initiatio sexualis.
Cleri institutio.
Civitas christiana.
Nova christianitas.
Coram Communismo.
Coram Socialismo.
Interventus Status.
Progressus materialis.
Philosophia et Theologia Scholastica.
Mediatio Universalis Beatae Mariae Virginis.
Magisterium Romani Pontificis.
Potestas Episcoporum.
Actio Episcoporum.
Fons proxima, ex qua excerpsi haec

Errores, scilicet, naturalismus, materialismus, etc., unde procedit crisis qua hodie civitas christiana laborat, saepe ab Ecclesia denuntiati et damnati sunt. Conveniens tamen nova videtur condemnatio a Concilio Oecumenico temporibus nostris coadunato.

Nova haec magnam acquiret efficaciam condemantio, si Concilium verae coniurationis adversus civitatem Dei existentiam simul denuntiet. Coniuratio enim antichristiana non collatione fortuita plurium errorum vel errantium fit, imo vero unitate gaudet consilii. Nexus ergo intentionalis inter varios errores utpote media quibus Humani Generis inimicus utitur ad mentibus et hominum moribus imperium suum imponendum, praeteriri non debet. Sic considerata, coniuratio antichristiana apparet, sicut revera est, nempe non ut purum putumque systema doctrinale, sed ut vera novam instaurandi conceptionem vitae intentio, modum cogitandi et agendi se contrarium placitis christianis conferentem.

Efficacia, tamen, antichriatianae actionis sita est in disseminatione non tantum errorum illorum quibus nititur, quantum formularum quarumdam prima fronte innocuarum, virus vero nequam coniuartionis antichristianae totum in se continentium quod in animas introducunt, sicque artifices imperii inimici creant. Quamvis occultum, virus coniurationis antichristianae novas artis conceptiones vivificat, plures usus in convivio sociali, aliosque modos se gerendi hominum. Tantum, his mediantibus, potest inimicus suum in homines servare imperium. Inde videtur valde opportunum Concilium illas formulas, conceptiones et usus denuntiare et damnare. Ni fallor non aliud in mente habuit R. M. Pius IX cum Syllabum edixit. Humili meo iudicio, perutilis fidelibus esset nova sollemniori modo data condemnatio propositionum Syllabi illis adaptionibus et pluribus augmentis peractis quae a nostris temporibus postulantur.

Supra redire

Ingens conatus generis humani ad unitatem redigendi. - Ingens conatus unius generis humani obtinendi ubique notatur. Huc tendunt plures institutiones internationales, in primis Unesco, quae pro fine habent omnia quidem removere quibus homines inter se differunt. Secundum huiusmodi unitatis fautores nihil magis ad beatitudinem generis humani concurreret quam abolitio omnium differentium quae homines et nationes distinguunt et proinde separant. Hominum paradisus esset vita super terram si non amplius quam unus idemque populus, una stirps, una et eadem cultura, unus tantum Status exstaret.

In se, intentio maiorem generis humani semper prosequendi unionem, nil reprobandum habet, dummodo sapienter ne negligat iura naturalia et veritatis revelatae. Quod, proh dolor! non videtur fieri. Idea, enim, quae, si palam non profertur, saltem subest activitati ad unitatem generis humani intentae, est quod religiones dogmaticae homines potius dividunt quam congregant. Inde morus in syncretismum religiosum, seu ad conceptum modernistarum religionis.

Qui conceptus magis in dies firmatur disseminatione coetuum qui erectionem moralem societatis intendunt quin de vera religione, vel simpliciter de religione, curent, ut "Lion's Club, Rotary Club, Réarmement Moral" et ceteri huiusmodi, sicut etiam aestimatione, quae semper maior fit, aliorum coetuum, scilicet illorum qui miseris et pauperibus subvenire cupiunt, asserentes hanc unicam veram et bonam religionem quippe quae caritate fundatur.

Talia, videtur mihi, Concilium ignoscere non posse, cum subdola et efficacissima media constituant corrumpendi germanam civitatis christianae notionem.

Supra redire

Minus malum ; thesis, hypothesis. - Defectiones fidelium a certamine adversus maximas saeculi quamplurimas causat, aedificationique civitatis antichristianae iuvat falsus conceptus et usus principii de tolerando malo minore ne maius accidat.

Generatim enim malum minus simpliciter consideratur ut malum diminutae rationis, quod ergo quacumque ex causa permitti potest, verbi gratia, ut contentio animorum vitetur. Inde persuasio quod omnis pugna in se mala est, ideoque semper vitanda, nomine caritatis vel sollertiae apostolicae. Tandem, nostris temporibus, saepe malum minus ut conditio normalis habetur, saltem implicite. Consequenter, extenuatur vel negligitur vigilantia ne malum minus - quod semper malum est - pravos effectus suos multiplicet, et amor ac desiderium conditionis normalis omnia mala excludentis evanescit. Aliis verbis, thesis simmpliciter derelinquitur. Exemplum vderi potest in quaestione de unione Statum inter et Ecclesiam. Pius IX in Syllabo damnavit propositionem affirmantem licitam et necessariam separationem Ecclesiae et Status. Unionem temen utriusque potestatis nonnulli viri catholici peregrinis verbis ita extenuant ut clare appareat ipsos de iure iudicare conditionem normalem civitatis christianae postulare separationem Status ab Ecclesia.

Supra redire

Adaptatio, cooperatio. - Voluptas quaedam adest apud quosdam adaptandi Ecclesiam moribus saeculi, ut facilius acatholici ad gremium salutis inducantur. Haec tamen adaptatio in detrimentum boni concipi solet, ita ut magis fuga a decertando sit quam zelus animarum. Inde conveniens definitio conditionum quibus adaptatio moribus hodiernis sine periculi fieri possit. Ne, verbi gratia, principium pereat omnino tenendum, adaptationis causa, vel generalis aliqua adaptatio evadat quae nonnisi quibusdam in circumstantibus personae, regionis, temporis etc. suaderi valeat. Sicque detrimentum patiatur illa ordinatio convivii hominum quae utpote ab Evangelio orta omnibus viribus stabilienda est. Ita, v.g., sabctus Ioannes de Bosco interdum in tabernis apostolatus opera exercebat; quae a sancto illo peracta aediicatio erat, ab aliis forte scandalum pareret. Item generatim dici potest de eo quod vocant "captatio benevolentiae", cum potius quam opus apostolicum constituat, nonnisi pars eius minima sit.

Fere idem dicatur de cooperatione cum acatholicis vel infidelibus, hodie communissima. In praxi, conceptus admissus nullum periculum videt in convivio catholicorum cum infidelibus, hereticis vel publicibus peccatoribus. Si nullum periculum, omnis cooperatio permittitur, cum vel utilis vel saltem indifferens sit. Ratio est quia homines cum peccent, id faciunt vel ex ignorantia, vel ex fragilitate, numquam vero ex malitia ; ideo facile moventur acatholici ad doctrinam et praecepta Ecclesiae sequenda : cum ipsis convivere ergo conditio demonstratur necessaria ut eorum conversioni provideatur.

Ex eadem ratione omnes ab actione apostolica arceri debent quae irritationes causarent, ut argumenta polemica vel partes minus amabiles doctrinae catholicae, infernus, v. G. poenitentia, oboedientia, coetera huiusmodi. Porro omnia sub aspectu suavi alacrique proponi debent.

Supra redire

Educatio speciatim educatio et initiatio sexualis. - Omnis fere puerorum institutio hodierna ntauralismo vitiatur. Natura humana undequaque bona declaratur, peccatum originale ut mythum reicitur, disciplina externa, sicut religio relevata, nociva denuntiatur. Quae contraria sunt huiusmodi deliramentis, opportunum videtur declarare. Pueritia enim non eximitur sequelis peccati originis quod facultates hominis turbavit. Aetas ergo illa germina omnium vitiorum in se continet ita ut nisi auctoritate et prudentia maiorum cohibeatur, passionibus incautos pueros captivabit. Correctio fiat oportet tempestiva, rationalis, vera caritate oborta, quin turbationes morbidas provocet.

Tum ex moribus societatis illecebris indulgentis tum ex doctrinae psychoanalyticae diffusione, educatio et initiatio sexualis, vitae conceptu materialistico ac naturalistico imbuitur quin parentes et magistri catholici satis resistant. Immo a S. S. C. Sancti Officii die 21 martii 1931 in hac re servanda mandavit, fere ignorantur. Nemo tamen est qui dubitet huiusmodi educationem et initiationem maxime concurrere ad mores depravandos et a veritate christiana animos avertendos.

Supra redire

Cleri institutio. - Cleri institutio in primis intendat sacerdotes creare pugnaces contra coniurationem antichristianam in mundo agentem quae animas funditus evertit. Secus timendum ne et ipsi sacerdotes maximis saeculi inficiantur, inutilesque evadant ad civitatem christianam instaurandam. Infeliciter variae quae suggerentur modificationes in vita vel institutione clericorum, fere omnes spiritum redolent saeculi, et si aliquando ad praxim adveniant, omnia signa distinctionis quae, iure divino, clericos a laicis separant, auferunt, et pedetentim in Ecclesiam introduceretur aequalitas omnimoda quae in societate civili in votis est liberalium et communistarum. Sic abrogatio legis veste talari incedendi, item studia humanitatis in seminario peragendi, item de cavendo convivio cum foeminis. Haec ultima, quidem, naturalismo vitiatur, aeque castitatis formationi obest et peccaturm originale negligit.

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Civitas christiana. - Cum ordinatio civilis societatis valde ad salutem animarum concurrere possit, vel, e contrario ei obesse, efficacior erit actio fidelium tum in pugna adversus conspirantes contra Ecclesiam, tum ad societatem in Christo instaurandam, si in institutione christiana mentibus proponatur descriptio quaedam civitatis catholicae prout his in terris et hodiernis diebus constitueretur. Sic, cognito scopo actionis socialis catholicae, non laborarent in incertum, quasi omnino indifferens Ecclesiae esset qualiscumque convivii humani ordinatio. Et methodus qua scopus ille attingi possit eis ut indicetur valde opportunum videtur, nempe quibus mediis tandem civitas christiana nunc stabiliri possit. Exemplum sumatur a modo agendi communistarum. Si eorum actio unice ad explanationem theoricam civitatis socialistae reduceretur, pauca vel nulla consecuti essent. Vis et efficacia actionis qua imperium in magnam cuiusdam hominum classis partem potiti sunt, ex eo procedit quod suis asseclis aliquid tangibile ut ita dicam proponebant, non solum extollendo iniustitias quas patiebantur, sed presertim eorum cupiditatem alliciendo bonis in futuro obtinendis ex victoria socialismi, et eorum actionem methodice ordinando ad finem intentum. Ut mihi videtur, civitatis christianae restauratio obtineri nequit cum tantum quaedam noxia socialia, etsi multa, indicantur et singula sanantur ; idealis quaedam notitia civitatis christianae hominibus exhibenda videtur, nempe, quisnam sit ordo rerum in praesenti statu a deo volitus, et quaenam media ad talem ordinem in mundo instaurandum adhibenda sint, fidelibus omnino ut indicentur oportet ut eorum actio ordinata sit, efficacior fiat et ipsi magno animo actioni se voveant.

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Nova christianitas. - Necessitatis definiendi quid authentica civitas catholica importet, evidens fit cum considerantur spuriae notiones novae christianitatis, fundamento in traditione catholicae destitutae, immo quaedam propugnando quae huiusmodi traditioni aperti adversantur.

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Coram Communismo. - Vellem ut significaretur quod positio fidelium coram Communismo totaliter differt ab alio possibili coram Liberalismo. In regimine, enim, liberali teneri potuit principium de tolerando malo minori, seu possibilis fuit admissio hypothesis sine negatione thesis. Scilicet, penes gubernium liberale, fideles iure communi niti plura potuerunt bona facere quin cogerentur malum aut agere aut profiteri. Regimen autem Communistarum non solum non permittit professionem placitis communistis oppositam, sed ipsa dogmata seu principia Communisme ut explicite admittantur imponit. Impossibilis ergo sub ipso, cooperatio vel simplex pacifica coexistentia fidelium. Quodsi aliquam libertatem Ecclesiae tolerat, hoc tactice tantum intelligendum est, nempe statio ut, tempore venturo, melius et securius omnibus tyrannice ordinationem societatis communistam imponat.

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Coram Socialismo. - De se civitas illa communista paucos allicit. Quae magnam hominum classem ad Communismum adducit est utopica constitutio civitatis a socialistis propugnata, nempe, societas in amore fundata, in qua nulla miseria vel paupertas, nulla aemulatio, cum omnes aequales sint, nulla controversia cum omnes etiam inter homines forte exortae, scientifice solvantur. Talis ordinatio civitatis in amore proximi unice stabilita a pluribus ut vera ordinatio christiana priorum saeculorum proponitur. Ei ergo sufficeret nomen et signa ecclesiastica affigere ut iam a catholicis propugnari possit. Mihi opportunum videtur omnem confusionem dissipare, v. g. declarando ordinationem civitatis a socialistis somniatam, in solo amore et progressu scientifico positam esse contra actualem Divinae Providentiae dispositionem, cum inaequalitas hominum non solum malum minime constituit, sed et melius in praesenti ordine hierarchico rerum et hominum manifestat perfectiones Dei ; eo vel magis quod in absoluta paritate omnium hominum quaedam virtutes christianae maxime ad salutem necessariae, ut humilitas, oboedientia, misericordia etc. fere impossibilies evaderent. Pondus autem quod ex inaequalitate patiantur homines, consideratur ut poena peccati originalis et ut medium quo exerceantur virtutes.

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Interventus Status. - In hodierna disiunctione spirituum, actio Status seu gubernii in activitatem societatis maior est quam ordo rerum postularet, et iam incipit considerari ut attributio normalis omnis gubernii. Videtur opportunum denuo statuere principium interventus Status nonnisi ad supplendum actionem civium adhiberi posse. Interventus ergo, extraordinarii, in praesenti ordine et rerum conditione legitimi, ordinantur ad restaurandam activitatem normalem membrorum societatis.

Caeteroquin, quaestiones quae modo in societate civili agitantur, sicut et ceterae omnes omnis temporis, nonnisi instauratione vitae christianae civium solvuntur. Inde cavendum ne nimis fidatur legibus et institutionibus Status, quasi ab ipsis tantum optima ordinatio socialis dependeret, et solutio omnium difficultatum repeti deberet.

Ex dispositione naturali rerum, convivium humanum sociale - maxime si christianum est - habet in seipso facultatem sese in pluribus recuperandi. unde interventus nimis amplus et assiduus Status ordinem naturalem potius destruit quam iuvat. Actio ergo gubernii prudens sit et non exerceatur nisi cum nulla alia solutio problematis a membris societatis civilis procuranda, dari possit.

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Progressus materialis. - Potius quam ab ecclesia egredi, maluit semper inimicus in eius sinu permanere ut facilius mentes corrumperet, malum sub specie boni spargens. Ita fecit Iansenismus, et recentius, profundius ut notabat S. Pius X, Modernismus. Quae etiam nomine Theologiae et Moralis Novae damnavit Pius XII, nihil aliud videtur quam neo-Modernismus. Hodie saepe a viribus catholicis proponitur ut aliquid velut necessarium ad salutem animarum, adaequatio Ecclesiae ad progressum materialem civitatis quem "Technica" introduxit. Talis autem "progressus" generatim spiritu materialistico animatur. Utile ergo videtur declaratio formalis quod, etiamsi Ecclesia omnes inventiones mentis humanae plaudat, minime potest adhaerere spiritui quo cultores progressus frequenter ducuntur.

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Philosophia et Theologia scholastica. - Novus videtur necessarius stimulus pro Philosophia Scholastica, cuius systema ut solidissimum mentis humanae munimen utiliter denuo declararetur, ne catholici viri adhaereant hodiernae philisophiae deliramentis, ut existentialismo, evolutionismo, etc.

Tum in Sacra Theologia, cum in Philosophia notatur timor et contemptus relate ad quaestiones controversas. Invaluit enim idea falsa et reprobanda qua quidam intendunt Ecclesiam polemicas et controversias abominare quasi necessario caritati adversentur. Ideo, in limine repuunt quidquid polemicae visum habet. Affirmando e contrario, necessitas et utilitas controversiarum, ut, scilicet progrediatur scientia ecclesiastica. Nulla ceteroquin Ecclesiae traditio adduci potest affirmans disputationes, quae moderate fiunt, vinculum unitatis et caritatis rumpere.

Ex timore controversiarum, in catechesi generatim populo traduntur unice veritates fidei, et quidem fere sine explicatione. Consequenter, fideles manent alieni a magna parte vitae ipsius Ecclesiae, theologicae nempe, et pietatem agunt superficialem quae nullo modo ad progressum Theologiae contribuit. Inde divortium inter vitam christianam fidelium et Ecclesiae scientiam ; ex quo sequitur vitam christianorum magis in idies minus sacram fieri. Opportune ergo, media proponenda, ut spiritus fidelium actuose a Sacra Theologia nutriantur.

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Mediatio Universalis Beatae Mariae Virginis. - Non sine relatione cum civitate christiana restauranda esset definitio dogmatica Mediationis Universalis Beatae Mariae Virginis Matris Redemptoris Domini Nostri Iesu Christi. Dilapsio enim plurium fidelium incipit a falsa notione muneris Christi Redemptoris quae eos a filiali, tenera ac fida devotione erga Beatam Mariam Virginem avertit. Vita ergo christiana ut solide reparetur ab hac devotione ut incipiat oportet. Definitio autem dogmatica Mediationis Universalis Beatae Mariae Virginis Matris Redemptoris potentissimam huic devotioni contributionem afferet.

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Magisterium Romani Pontificis. Primum quidem iuvaret quae in hac re Concilium Vaticanum decrevit, complere, scilicet melius determinando infallibilitatis Romani Pontificis. Deinde clare edicere quamnam vim habent documenta Magisterii Ordinarii Summi Pontificis et quamnam obligationem pariant, ne simpliciter negligantur doctrinae, v. g. Litterarum Encyclicarum utpote infallibilitate carentes.

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Potestas Episcoporum. - Sit mihi venia mentem aperiendi qua scilicet timeo ne vis auctoritatis episcoporum, et salubris quo gaudent influxus ex immediata ad Romanum Pontificem subiectione extenuetur ex constitutione permanentis coetus episcoporumcuiuscumque nationis vel regionis.Talium coetuum conclusiones voto maioris tantum partis firmatae, quamdam moralem vim aliis imponunt. Vis autem auctoritatis Romani Pontificis in singulos episcopos iure talibus coetibus non extinguitur, tamen autem interpositione illorum minuitur, humili, saltem, iudicio meo.

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Actio Episcoporum. - Nullum dubium quod restauratio civitatis christianae maxime ab actione episcoporum dependet. Inde, investigatione sueta, cum candidati ad episcopatum praesentantur, mihi videtur in primis curandum de eorum animo coram socialismo, laicismo, neo-modernismo, etc., in genere coram erroribus et formulis quibus nutritur coniuratio antichristiana, utrum sc. firmiter, active et efficaciter adversus hos errores et subdolas eorum formulas et modos se habendi dimicare possint et valeant.

Antonius de Castro Mayer, Episcopus Camposinus.

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Excerpsi ego bloggator Iohannes Georgius Lundahl haec de Le Sel de la terre, numero 37, aestatis AD MMI:

Les textes publiés dans la revue peuvent être reproduits librement à condition d'en mentionner l'origine et de faire parvenir un exemplaire de lapublication à la revue. En cas de copyright explicite, précisé en fin d'article, une autorisation doit être demandée avant publication aux ayant-droits.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gli aggressori sono perdonati, mai la loro agressore ...

... la psichiatrìa, nec è giudicata, nè solo accusata.

Normalemente, un agressore di un uomo di stato è rebelle, un(a) agressore di un celebrante commete oggetivamente un sacrilegio. Normalemente, sea sono molto copabili, sea sono moltìsimo provocati per una oltra agressione, quella dei psichiatri. Oggi, i dui sono scusati per una menzogna probabile quanto al agressore di Berlusconi ed un equivoco quanto all'agressore di Papa (se tal è).

Il agressore di capo di governo si trova pronunciato fuori capicità di ragionare o volere al momento del crime, l'agressore del Benedetto XVI si trovava ante pronunciata perdonata perchè avesse "una buona intenzione", lo che puod'essere esatto quanto all'intenzione remota, di essere giudicata per la chiesa (oltri tempi i povveri spagnolo non faciendo fidanza ai tribunali secolari facevano sacrilegi o blasfemi menori per essere giudicati per il santo ufficio, riputato più giusto), mai no quanto all'intenzione immediata, di far un sacrilegio, stesso no massimo.

Intanto, la psichiatrìa no porta giudicio, no considera propiamente colpabile, mai tampoco scusa nè perdona nel senso commune. "Impone le sequele" en un senso più o meno como il carma (inesorabile!) dei indùi o dei buddhisti. Lo faciendo fa opera di populismo e dei crimini predefiniti per le legi, mai non sta giudicata nèmeno accusata.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Memoria di San Paulo
San Teobaldo
Sulla Bibblioteca
Mouffetard, Parigi V

Sunday, June 6, 2010

À trois connaissances très musicales

De-vant la Saint Eu-stache
Lesoir la bière onboit.
Onjoue bien gui-tare,
Vi-sites on re-çoit.

C'est Jérémy et Thomas
A'c Mervin on est trois.
Devant la Saint Eustache
On chante - mais de quoi?

Chagrin d'amour tourmente
Les cœurs des trois chanteurs?
C'est Jérémy et Thomas,
A'c Mervin on est trois.

Devant la Saint Eustache
Le soir on chante en chœurs:
Pas trop chagrin tourmente
les cœurs des trois chanteurs.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


TFP ha publicado algo que ya dice que hay a decir.

Peró es buena novela sobre el Caudillo, ya que la "legislación" anterior no fue de ello.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yo creo eso, Padre Pio explicó muy bien! (enlace)

En las ordenadoras de la biblioteca he copiado un enlace y cuanod quiero pastelar aquí resulta sencillo texto:

El Santo Sacrificio de la Missa.

Porqué? Quizás porqué hay massones en el personel. Quizás por otra cosa. No sé.

La santa misa explicada por San Pio de pietrelcina

Ah, ahora va mejor!