Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Susan reads Lucy's essay on Astronomy

You may think Lucy was stupid to write essays on Narnian topics. But she did not write them in the English alphabet. Which is really the Latin alphabet with a few extra letters. Nor in Greek or Russian alphabets. Nor in Arabic or Hebrew letters. Not in any cuneiform or hieroglyphics either. She had spoken to a man called Mr. Tolkien and he knew a thing or two about writing. He had also invented alphabets - unless he had found them somewhere in Elfland. We are talking about a writing called tengwar.

Her mother had seen her notebook, and laughed.

"If you cannot show your own parents what you write about, I won't spy on you!"

"Thank you, ma! I am sorry I cannot right now. Hope there will be a time for it though"

Now she was buried on the graveyard. Like the other six: Peter and Edmund. Eustace and Jill. Mr Kirke and Miss Plumber.

Susan felt it was time to open the notebook.

Am I worthy? she wondered. Well, even if I am not, I hope she would have wanted it.

She had tried to get used to the tengwar by reading an extra booklet, with the tables (tengwar do not go in a row, but in tables of rows and columns: p, b, f, v, m, w are a column, t, p, ch, k are a row) where also the Glory, the Creed, Our Father, the Hail Mary (yes, Lucy was clearly Catholic) and a few nursery rhymes like "Mary Had a Little Lamb" were noted. If you think she could have read the cover on the books by Tolkien, that is not the case, they had not appeared yet.

Now she was in for it: and yes, there was an index page at the back of the notebook:

  • 1) Ramandu and Galileo
  • 2) Aslan and the Eucharist
  • 3) What do they teach them in these schools? (Thank God we abolished the Witch's law about enforced attendance!)
  • 4) ...
  • 5) ...

She was in for Aslan and the Eucharist, but waited till another time when she would be more devout. She took Ramandu and Galileo. It must be about stars, somehow, she said to herself as she started reading. And here followeth Lucy Pevensie's essay on Ramandu and Galileo.