Friday, December 27, 2019

A Joyful Realisation Behind the Words of the Magnificat

Then She never could have been in transgression
Since never of the serpent She was slave
She was always the foe of the old dragon
The Virgin of the House of King Dave
The Virgin of the House of King Dave!

Did the angel mean then "thou slaydest
Holophernem or Siseram?"
"Not so," told Her cousin, Mrs. Cohen:
"Ye slayed the old slayer of Adam
Ye set things right for Eve and for Adam!"

And even if She already knew it,
Confirmation of good news comes well
If you know it in your heart, really know it
You still would like someone else to tell,
You still would like someone else to tell!

Some recall "she said yes" of a martyr
Who maybe was Cassie Bernall
But the yes of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Is the blessedest yes of them all,
Is the blessedest yes of them all.