Monday, September 11, 2017
Year 10 950 ARC (After Rocket Crash)
Year 10 950 ARC (After Rocket Crash) · Floor 10,024
Conan found himself awakening during the history lesson.
"Some of you might wonder why, on certain occasions last week, the year ten thousand nine hundred fifty After Rocket Crash was not used. Instead you saw one hundred and one thousand nine hundred sixtynine A. D. - Anyone knows what A.D. means?"
Conan had a vague memory, turned his head where his associations went. Right : Harold Howard was lifting up his hand.
"Yes, Harold?"
"A. D. means Anno Domini. It means Year of the Lord."
"And what does that refer to?"
"Year after Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem on Tellus I."
"Correct answer, Harold, but you need not overdo the empathy with those archaic superstitions."
"I don't think they are archaic superstitions, Sir. I think they are tr..."
"SILENCE! ENOUGH! As a punishment you'll go out into the corridor. The hologram TV is switched off, you'll have a boring time. Now, out."
And out went Harold.
The teacher - he was named Bertrand for some reason - went on.
"One hundred thousand years ago, we humans developed rockets on Tellus - you know, the third planet from Sol, also referred to as Tellus I, mentioned in connection with Bethlehem. Or also as Earth, though that is very archaic. The planet where our species evolved. And we developed rockets in the nick of time.
"One thousand years later, Earth blew up and we saved ourselves on rockets - and those who didn't died.
"Our rocket fleet roamed space for some centuries before finding a suitable planet. In fact, if we hadn't learned to make artificial ecosystems, we would have died on the rockets very quickly.
"Then we colonised space. Those on the original planet - the one we found, Tellus II, near Southern Cross - presumably don't know of our success, if they are still there. Ourselves, we know of it, since our own history goes on where we left Tellus II for Tellus III, three thousand years later - we know another crew went off in another direction before that, but we don't know what happened to them. That voyage took our ancestors three thousand years.
"After that ..."
The bell rang.
Conan went out to Harold. They went off to a corner of the schoolyard, while Bertrand was busy quelling a quarrel.
"You are a Christian, right?"
"Don't you guys believe he Universe is going to end, or something?"
"Yes, we do."
"Now we are alrady one hundred one thousand years after your religion was founded," Conan said, generously rounding off to the lower on the remaining nine hundred sixty nine years, "hasn't time disproven your prophecy?"
"Oh, not yet. You see, if it is true that the Universe was thirteen billion years old when He came, the time since then is still too insignificant to disprove it. He still came 'in the last times' and not midway or early in the history of the Universe."
"Wait ... you mean one or two or at least thirteen billion years from now, we won't be around and the Universe won't be around?"
"We'll be around, but the Universe as we know it won't. We'll be around and we will all be either saved or damned and living in eternal bliss or eternal misery. We will all have died and resurrected and we will not die again."
"All? I thought this Judgement stuff you believe in was about your acts, but what about the babies that are made twenty billion years from now? They won't have acted, will they be judged at birth?"
"We won't be making babies any more."
"So you'll have super contraceptives?"
"We won't be having sex any more."
"But you said something about eternal bliss ...?"
"Not that kind of bliss ..."
The bell rang for the next lesson. Conan knew he would be punished for having talked to a Christian who had declared himself so.
And while the bell rang, Conan found he had his eyes closed, was in bed and was waking up. As he did so, he recalled the real conversation with the real Howard.
And the real Howard was a Young Earth Creationist. He believed that Heaven and Earth had been created only seven thousand years ago - some say six, but he goes by a Bible text called Septuagint - and obviously this meant that Doomsday was coming much faster, probably no time to get to "Tellus II" even as per his dream in ... say AD three thousand three hundred and fifty ... and certainly no time to get to "Tellus III" in AD nine thousand three hundred and fifty. If Harold was right, that is.
That was what had bothered him the evening : what would they say of such prophecies one hundred thousand years from now after huge space discoveries had been made. And Harold had answered, with a very cocky, actually a bit nasty self assurance:
"Oh, we aren't there yet!"
Conan tried to get to breakfast after just dressing but was told to get a shower first. While under the waters, he reflected on something else Harold had said.
The stuff about saving mankind to other planets around other stars had, at least at its most basic principle, been tried before - by one Nimrod building a Tower of Babel. And God - some kind of invisible guy these Christians believe in - Harold actually said God had thwarted this, "because it won't work that way."
As he dried his hair with few quick strokes of the towel, took on same clothes and went to breakfast, he thought over and over again "if these Christians are right, there is so much which doesn't make sense."
And at the breakfast table he actually muttered these words a bit audibly, his mother asked:
"What doesn't make sense?"
"Going to school for one."
Here his father lowered the newspaper and asked:
"Well, if these creationists are right, we are taught minute details about a process or more than one which never happened, we are taught elaborate projects about things that won't happen, but nothing about the things that matter most."
"You know what, Conan?"
"No, dad?"
"You ask Harold for some scientific material, we'll go through it and see why it doesn't make sense."
And while the author of this story wishes them an ironic "good luck" with finding that, he also endorses getting the material and looking at it. Even from a Protestant, if it's the scientific stuff on Young Earth.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Lub Putinego?
Kogo? · Lub Putinego?
/ | 47 | 040 | 7 | |||
P | 80 | 120 | 7 | |||
U | 85 | 200 | 12 | |||
T | 84 | 280 | 16 | |||
I | 73 | 350 | 19 | |||
N | 78 | 420 | 27 | |||
E | 69 | 480 | 36 | |||
G | 71 | 550 | 37 | |||
O | 79 | 620 | 46 |
Friday, August 25, 2017
Meanwhile, What about Rose?
While Susan was in the ferry to Ireland, Rose woke up late in a curious place and whondered for a moment where she was. Ah, yes, the attic of the empty house ... and in a pirate's den with lots of ginger beer bottles, some candles (there was a box of matches for her use), and something to cover the plaster between the beams : planks, a mat and some more. On an improvised "table" she saw a mark in the dust, where there had been a book.
She had been dusting the corner, but somehow that mark was glued, perhaps in solidified ginger beer. If you have read The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis, you will know it was Polly Plumber who had prepared it. And, as you recall from the beginning of my book, or from the end of C. S. Lewis' The Last Battle, she had died in the railway accident. So had Digory Kirke, whom she had invited there when they were both children and had just become neighbours. But Rose had no idea of this. She was however aware - though there was no kicking yet - of the little life of a very tiny man inside her.
"Dear Eustace this is a curious place we are in, but we could be worse off, you know!"
She was fairly sure, even very sure, it was a boy, and she was thinking of her cousin Jill's friend (they had both died in the railway accident), as you can see.
And she felt hungry. And she saw, just outside where she was, there was some food left by the gipsies. Milk in a bottle, a bar of chocolate, bread, sardines. And there was a chamber pot, though she had no idea as yet where to empty it.
"Well, we've survived this round!"
She felt it was not just her baby, but herself too, who had escaped.
What she did then ... if you have been or known a pregnant woman, you may know. Afterwards she wondered when and where to empty the chamber pot, had no appetite and she drew the curtain to escape some of the smell.
"Afraid? We'll survive this too!" she said, as if thinking the reaction came from fear within her baby. As she calmed down (her stomach feeling better too) she presumed she had succeeded in soothing little Eustace. Perhaps she had.
And exhausted by growth of her offspring and by vomiting, she fell asleep. When she woke again, the chamber pot was no longer smelling. She looked out, there was a new and dry one, happily.
In she went, after a somewhat more humdrum use, took some chocolate, drank just a very little milk to it, wondered if she should light a candle, didn't and went to sleep after telling her boy inside:
"You liked that too, didn't you?"
But it was no real question, she was not in doubt.
Monday, June 19, 2017
On Campus
- The black and golden slaves of florid sugar canes
- Were flying back and forth and pollinating
- And worms were squirming on the cruel hooks
- As anglers roughly used them for the baiting.
- The water of the lake was blue,
- Reflection of the skies so true
- Among the girls there (and the boys) most worried was
- A girl as beautiful as sweet is honey,
- A girl as gentle and as courteous as you wish
- A waitress to be, if you give her money
- And nurses in the hospital
- If ever out of health you fall:
- But thinking of exam results
- Was taxing all her better moods
- Her heart was down into her shoes
- The thoughts like heavy catapults
- Were throwing questions like the stones
- On mind's defenses (not her bones!)
- She worried to have answered wrong
- Omitting this and failing that
- In triflings (judged by talking at
- A bar about it or a song
- Retelling all the history),
- And yet she feared too great they be.
- A fellow student from the course she chanced to see.
- A trifler and a dabbler in the study.
- Disordered and thus over all the faculty
- A story of his own - and was he muddy
- In brain and mind and memory?
- Pain in the ass of faculty
- Like oft before unpacking all the sandwiches
- She had prepared at home and also coffee
- In thermos bottle, she called out his name
- And changed a bit of food for bars of toffee :
- First cheese they ate, then sausages,
- Then coffee with a toffee tress
- - "Oh boy, I think I failed the test."
- - "Perhaps you did and so did I,
- At least we gave it some good try."
- - "You can't have failed, you are the best."
- - "No, that is you, though well I do."
- - "Your doing well is very true!"
- - "O Kay, suppose we fail it all,
- Why worry, life has more to give
- Than studies, though I like to live
- Among the books so classical."
- - "And so do I, but right you are
- (Though, frankly, you exceed by far
- The standard talent for the college course,
- You're absent minded like an old professor)"
- - "Don't make me pround, I'm haughty as it is
- And getting penances for it from my confessor!"
- - "Ah yes," she answered then and there:
- "You're Catholic, or so I hear!"
- Then rang a bell, out their professor came
- "Results are here," he said with gusto.
- He pinned the list unto a message board
- (The solid object you can trust - o!)
- A throng of students would be first
- To verify the best or worst
- Their talk went on behind the rest
- They wanted to approach it last
- And really were at all not fast.
- "Come on, you two, you scored the best!"
- A comrade shouted to the two,
- And so they did, they had to do.
- She had no faults and he had one
- From negligence, there is no doubt,
- They both knew what they were about.
- The test was done and it was fun
- To get the papers they had wrote
- And read each red professor's note.
- They gave the papers back to archive them
- As these were those that were the most important
- Of all the year. Our couple saw the victory
- As somewhat of an optimistic portent.
- And yet they knew within their heart
- That scholarship and even art
- The black and golden slaves of florid sugar canes
- Were flying back and forth and pollinating
- And worms were squirming on the cruel hooks
- As anglers roughly used them for more baiting.
- The water of the lake was blue,
- Reflection of the skies so true
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Quise aprobar un mensaje en un grupo
Y quise responder. Entonces copié a los objeciones y hice respuestas, en atendando que aprobar el mensaje.
"1 donde a pedro se le llamo papa o vicario de Cristo"
Papa? Mismo Pablo es un poco papa según I Corinthios 4:15.
Vicario de Cristo? Juan 21:17, conferese con Juan 10:11, 14.
"2 cuando pedro fue a Roma"
Antes de murir como martir.
"y se le dio a conocer como jefe del estado"
No lo hizo, es más tarde que los humildes heredieron la tierra.
"3 cuando pedro uso mitra papal"
No importa. Quizás no lo hizo. Mitra es una tradición eclesiastica, no una tradición apostólica, que yo sepa.
"4 cuando pedro promovii el uso de imagenes religuiosas"
Moysés lo hizo: Exodo 25:18. Y el Rey Solomón: III Reyes 6:27 (I Reyes por ellos que llaman a I y II Reyes I y II Samuel).
"5 si es pedro la roca sobre la que esta fundada la iglesia donde el o lo a apostoles lo confirman."
Es el principal apóstol, y otro apóstol, San Pablo confirma eso Ephesios 2:20, que los apóstoles en común mismo son la roca. En unión con Cristo, no sin Ello.
Bueno, no pudí responder eso, ya que ya no pudí aprobar el mensaje. Era ya borrado por otro moderador o por un administrador. O mi parece eso.
Hay otro mensaje, del mismo. Aproví y respondí ayer sobre eso de "Constantino el primer papa", y respondí en primer lugar que es curioso que los papas antes de Constantino, Pedro, Lino, Cleto, Clemente, y otros, considerados como "pastores evangélicos" pudían desaparecer, y luego deció el comentador que esos no existieron. Respondí que sin linea entre el tiempo de Jesús-Cristo y Constantino y esa linea de Cristianos conocidos, y sobretodo si la linea credida por nuestra tradición es una chiste por Constantino, es difícil de probar que no Jesús-Cristo también sea una chiste de Constantino.
Hoy, encuentro ese mensaje - o no. Faltan mis respuestas. Busco, y miro que no es el mismo mensaje, que aprobé ayer, es solo el mismo meme, peró republicado más tarde. Que mirable entonces, que faltan mis respuestas!
Sea parece que el mismo no quiso discutir conmigo, sea que otra persona, otro moderador o un administrador o una administradora borró a la publicación que hube aprobado ayer.
Y de las dos maneras, no me parece tan simpático discutir aquí.
Hans Georg Lundahl
BU de Nanterra
San Pascal OFM de Villa-Real
Thursday, May 11, 2017
En Respuesto a Propaganda Pentecostal
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- Católicos por que son antibiblicos
No creen en los dones del espíritu
No creen en las promesas
No creen en arrebatamiento
No creen en el poder del espíritu santo
No creen ni es ustedes mismo
Entonces cual es la visión que tiene por que no le creen ala biblia.....
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- [en dialogo:]
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- No creen en los dones del espíritu
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Sí, creemos, solo no creemos que los dones charismaticos son una seguida regular y ordinaria de cadaun verdadero "bautismo en espíritu" (es a decir sacramentos de bautismo y confirmación, hasta sacerdocio), peró creemos, a diferencia de Lutero y Calvino, que hay hoy gente a quienes el Espíritu Santo da de dones muy extraordinarios, como cuando Padre Pio pudió (pudo? puso?) leer las conciencias de los que se confesaban (y compreso a alguién quien se confesaba como chiste, advertido por Padre Pio de eso hizo un poco más tarde una buena confesión) o oir una confesión de una pobra italiana en Chicago en mismo tiempo que era también en Italia, como normalmente. No hubiese oir la confesión de una Norteamericana ingleshablante, ya que no tuvo el don de lenguas, lo que tuvo por contraste San Francisco Javier : pudió predicar en idiomas que nunca hubo apresos (y también, otras veces, aprendió también idiomas).
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- No creen en las promesas
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- En contrario, somos nos que creemos las promesas sobre eso de Jesús y de Él ser con nosotros hasta el fin de todo tiempo, y eso desde los Apostoles.
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- No creen en arrebatamiento
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Creemos que el arrebatimiento será *después* de la Tribulación, en eso de "todos después Adán tienen que murir", Santo Tomás explica que ellos que no serán muertos antes de la segunda venida del Señor serán arrebatos (arrebatidos?) y van murir y resurgir de los muertos en metida aire, entre la Tierra y Jesús.
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- No creen en el poder del espíritu santo
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Creemos en el poder del Espíritu Santo de preservir la Iglesia de errores en el plano doctrinal, como creemos en Su poder de preservir antes de eso los Escritores Bíblicos, los Hagiografas, de cada error en cadauno plano, mismo solo científico o histórico.
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- No creen ni es [=en] ustedes mismo[s]
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- No tenemos de creer en nosotros mismos, tenemos de creer en Jesús y en Su Iglesia, a quien envió en Espíritu Santo en Pentecostes del año 33 (o según ciertos historiadores, del año 29). Y no más tarde, ya que el Espíritu Santo nunca abandona a la Iglesia desde entonces.
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- Entonces cual es la visión que tiene por que no le creen ala biblia.....
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Y, como dije, creemos a la Biblia y a lo que los Padres, cada vez que son unanimos, dicen sobre su significado.
- Otras respuestas
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes
- Si dicen creer en las promesas por que no creen en el mover del espíritu santo no creen en el hablar en lenguas la biblia dice en el libro de los hechos cuanto cayo el espíritu santo en el aposento alto hubo de todos lenguas repartidas dice la biblia pero ustedes no creen por que si creyeran le dieran lugar al los dones t lo que hacen mas bien cayar...
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Osman Alberto Irias Fuentes "Si dicen creer en las promesas por que no creen en el mover del espíritu santo no creen en el hablar en lenguas la biblia dice en el libro de los hechos cuanto cayo el espíritu santo en el aposento alto hubo de todos lenguas repartidas"
Y creemos que el milagro de Pentecostes era real.
"dice la biblia pero ustedes no creen por que si creyeran le dieran lugar al los dones t lo que hacen mas bien cayar..."
Creemos que el don de lenguas, como eso, es un milagro común entonces, para hacer creer a los no creyentes, y que volvió poco común desde que la verdad Cristiana ya fue promulgada.
Hay otros moveres del Espíritu más importantes que de hablar en lenguas, sobretodo cuando eso no es para hacer comprender los demás peró para edificar los dentro, hay otras maneras para eso también.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
En Respuesto a Propaganda Protestante - Bis
Aquí el meme:

Fuente : Evang. Emanuel Beauchamp, desde FB
"Eramos perseguidos por tu religión" no es una respuesta completa.
La Iglesia Católica a perseguido a varias sectas, peró por supuesto no quieres tenerlas todas como tu Iglesia "antes de Lutero"?
Por ejemplo, los Albigenses creían que la Materia, la Biología y varias cosas eran creados por el Diablo. No acceptaban el Antiguo Testamento y no todo y mismo no mucho del Nuevo.
Por supuesto, no quieres considerarte como continuante a los Albigenses solo porqué fueran perseguidos por la Iglesia Católica.
Peró, si suponemos que sí, o si prefieres a los Waldenses, dónde estaba tu Iglesia antes del primero Albigense?
Dónde estaba tu Iglesia antes de Pedro Waldes?
Si respondes que Pedro Waldes solo continuaba a unos Waldenses ya existantes, puedes a la limita decir que Waldenses existen desde el Obispo Claudio de Turino, a quién la Hierarquía Católica excomulgó, peró no es possible continuar, como lo han hecho ciertos Protestantes mal historiados (mal eruditos en historia) or mismo malhonestos, esa piste hasta San Ambrosio de Milano.
Él creía muy claramente la Presencia Real, como podemos probar de sus escritos.
Y Claudio de Turino continuaba más probabilmente a los Iconoclastos de Bysancio, quienes perséguían a los Católicos varias veces antes del Triunfo de la Ortodojía.
Monday, April 3, 2017
En Respuesto a Propaganda Protestante
En FB ví un meme con dos imágenes, un de un sacerdote con custodia, un de una Biblia.
Cuando el sacerdote coloca la Eucaristía (la hostira que, según ellos dice, es Jesús) en la custodia ... (ometo la imágen) Los fieles católicos romanos se arrodillan ante su Jesús para adorarlo o besarlo.*
* Dogmatic Canons and Creeds, p. 83, "On the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist", Canon VI | Cuando Jesús estaba en la tierra advirtió:
"Entonces si alguno os dijere : He aquí está el Cristo, o allí, no lo creáis". Mateo 24:23. ¿A quién deben creer los católicos romanos? ¿A su sacerdote... o a Cristo? |
Hola, Mateo 24 habla de unas chistes o engaños del diablo en los tiempos últimos, también en los tiempos quienes eran últimos antes la destrucción del Templo : habla de gente a quienes Judíos llaman "el Mesía" o "el Cristo".
No es cierto que todo hombre de quién los Judíos dicen esto en lugar del verdadero sea un falso profeta, peró si alguien no dice eso de su mismo y los Judíos dicen eso de él, es a los Judíos que no falta creer.
Cuanto a la hostia, creemos a Cristo creyendo al sacerdote.
Luc 10:16 El que a vosotros oye, a mí me oye; y el que a vosotros desecha, a mí me desecha; y el que me desecha a mí, desecha al que me envió.
Además, creemos a Jesús directamente:
Mat 26:26 Y mientras comían, tomó Jesús el pan, y bendijo, y lo partió, y dio a sus discípulos, y dijo: Tomad, comed; esto es mi cuerpo.
Como lo observaba en un poema un sacerdote católico : Viendo, no parece cuerpo de Cristo. Gustando, no parece cuerpo de Cristo. Tocando en los dedos (como lo hace el sacerdote), no parece cuerpo de Cristo. Hay un solo sentido a quién creer, al oído : nada más verdadero que esa palabra de la verdad.
Este sacerdote se llama Santo Tomás de Aquino, y el poema, en latín, se llama Adoro te devote.
Otra cosa, en Mateo 24 Jesús no habla de un engaño que dura mil años o más, como fuese el caso con la Eucaristía si fuese un engaño, habla de un engaño o más propriamente unos engaños, en los últimos tiempos.
Esos últimos tiempos antes la destrucción del templo no duraban todo el tiempo entre Pentecostés y el año 70, solo Menahem ben Yehuda y Simón bar Giora el segundo de esos apareció en 68, dos años antes le destrucción del templo.
Y los últimos tiempos antes la venida del verdadera Cristo desde las nubes como acendió, habrá unos falsos Cristos también. Un grande, peró antes de él muchos pequeños, donde quizás ciertos pueden salvarse o mismo no son culpables mismos del engaño.
Entonces, no es de la Eucaristía que habla Nuestro Señor en Mateo 24.
Además, hay Protestantes (hablé con dos Estadunidenses episcopales hay unos domingos) quienes dicen "no nos falta el cuerpo de Cristo en la Eucaristía, ya somos nosotros el cuerpo de Cristo como Iglésia".
Bueno, eso es un verdadero falso cuerpo de Cristo, un verdadero "falso Cristo" si quieres : una Iglesia sin Eucaristía.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Biblioteca universitaria
de Nanterra
Lunes después Domingo Primero
de la Pasión
- Otro meme:
- Jesús nunca enseñó Canibalismo ni Vampirismo
- Mi respuesta:
- Si es al cuerpo resucidado que comemos y al sangre en el cuerpo resucitado que bebemos, no muere Cristo otra vez por eso, no pierde nada por eso, no es canibalismo y tampoco vampirismo.
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